by mdyball

The biggest aHCS-logo-4x3.5sset we have as an organization is our employees but most organizations move their employees around like chess pieces. Sometimes we may incorporate a program like “Employee of the Month” or stage an employee appreciation day, usually with cake & soda. Quite frankly, these events are insulting to most employees. What sort of message are we giving to our employees, a pat on the back and some sugar?

Our employees can make or break an organization, so they need to be treated with respect. A workplace needs to become a place of community. Where people can grow, develop their skills and have a sense of purpose. Working in Healthcare has value; it’s a profession which seeks to look after the sick and vulnerable within society. To carry out this mission as leaders, we must first create a safe work environment by providing appropriate resources and necessary training’s to our employees.

1. Set clear department goals that are not only communicated well, but also are organic to the organization.
2. Set area expectations and service guidelines which are ingrained into daily service.
3. Support your employees with appropriate tools and resources to meet the department’s expectations and service guidelines.
4. On-going training is not a secondary thought but an important element to the success of the department.
5. Communication, communication and communication! This is the vital link for the success of a department. Communication goes both ways and the leadership needs to be prepared to listen.
6. All department information needs to be disseminated freely. No secrets.
7. View mistakes as learning opportunities.
8. Have rules and procedures that support employee empowerment and hold all employees accountable for results including the leadership team.
9. Provide a safe working environment.
10. Make sure all of the above is ingrained into the daily work flow of doing business.

As a leader you are only a servant to your employees. You are there to provide an environment that enables your employees to deliver warm, gracious and attentive service to your guests during their stay. Providing a memorable experience will allow them to share that positive experience with friends and family while embracing your organization’s reputation within the community.